Monday 8 October 2012

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Devil May Cry 5 fan art, Dante

Dante from the new Devil May Cry Game by Ninja Theory, looking forward to 15/01/2013

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Random comic on bed room wall

Found brown paper roll today while cleaning the house, decided to pin it up in my room and do some random doodles on it..ended up doing some short random comic, it makes no sense but yea hopefully someone will find it intriguing.
still alot of space for more doodles to come.
boy sniffing fingers thinks " reminds me of a similar time"
dude: what the last time you sniffed your fingers
finger sniffing kid: "huh how did you know i was thinking that ?
annoyed dude:" you think loud...
OH!.. back to sniffing fingers looking all mesmerized
dude walking off: " WEIRDO!!"
END 0_0



Friday 24 August 2012

Wednesday 15 August 2012


some dark humor, man trying to strangle himself, ofcourse its impossible to do so you would natually let go at one point.

Thursday 9 August 2012


3rd piece of my collections of ...havent given them a name yet but most likly be something like expressions or emotions something along does lines, well this one is called "huh?"

Monday 30 July 2012


Heartshape box

doodles in my sketchbook

late night doodles in me sketchbook

scared kid sniffing his fingers...

teenage mutant ninja turtles sketch

Quick doodle befor going to work, felt to draw raphale

Homicidal spidey

Thought il go back to an old idea of homcidal spidy, after some hype from the new movie

Character design for fight squad

Bottle neck: the angry teenage girl with a lot to be mad about

 Early sketchers of bottleneck

When she is mad turns red face mode, where she goes in to uncontrollable rage.
Check out other crazy characters from these guys on their facebook:

Wednesday 6 June 2012

something next comic moved.

from now something next comic will be moved to tumblr but will still be useing this blog for my fan art and other random doodles time to time. heres a link to the new comic page with the latest stories. enjoy :D

Chronicle fan art

been a long time since iv posted anything here, heres some chronicle fan art
Tetsuo from akira VS Andrew from Chronicle

Saturday 14 April 2012

more batman fan art.

been practicing on photoshop, first attempt illustrating on photoshop. hope u enjoy :)

Monday 12 March 2012

Mrs Exorcist and the Evil Iron

Ok been a very long time since the last comic, been busy with some other stuff, so here is the next comic introducing a new main character Mrs Exorcist. Hope you enjoy

Wednesday 29 February 2012

flyer to back my mate embakwe in sports vp

Done this a week or so and realised i havent posted it up. was a very last minit job for a friend who was in need of a flyer design for his campain at kent university.

Sunday 19 February 2012

I think im dumb , mayb jus happy

been a while iv posted anything. heres a recent doodle while listenin to nirvana, dumb hope you like. the next comic shuld be up soon, jus been abit busy with some other stuff recently.

Monday 30 January 2012

Enter the detective man

Here is the first comic of 2012, introducing a new main character detective man. Hope you enjoy :)

Wednesday 25 January 2012

My Visit to graphic tale: wellcome collection

I visited a free exhibition called graphic tales at the “welcome collection”, 183 Euston Road. The work was from a summer course which a group of local young people took part (they never mentioned what age group) the work was interesting to look at they took inspiration from the museum itself, which had some cool and freaky pieces of work, the comic exhibition had a section where viewers can create a short comic and post it up, for others to see, I decided to take part and created a short comic called “Nightmare at the museum”, inspired by the freaky models and ornaments in the museum if they were to come alive, please excuse the spelling mistakes 0_0 lol.

heres a link to the site if ur interested in viewing it urself: 
heres some images of their work and wat i posted on the wall:
The layout of the exhbition|

My post up on the wall.