Wednesday 25 January 2012

My Visit to graphic tale: wellcome collection

I visited a free exhibition called graphic tales at the “welcome collection”, 183 Euston Road. The work was from a summer course which a group of local young people took part (they never mentioned what age group) the work was interesting to look at they took inspiration from the museum itself, which had some cool and freaky pieces of work, the comic exhibition had a section where viewers can create a short comic and post it up, for others to see, I decided to take part and created a short comic called “Nightmare at the museum”, inspired by the freaky models and ornaments in the museum if they were to come alive, please excuse the spelling mistakes 0_0 lol.

heres a link to the site if ur interested in viewing it urself: 
heres some images of their work and wat i posted on the wall:
The layout of the exhbition|

My post up on the wall.

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